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RE: [TCLUG:17411] [severely OT] Tcl vs Perl

> I have worked extensively in both tcl/tk and perl/tk and I much prefer
> perl as
> a programming language.  I think it is easier to write and maintain and
> the tk
> objects are more intuitive (even though they are pretty much the same
> constructs (I used a tcl/tk book to write my first perl/tk programs)).
> However Sun released a netscape component for tcl/tk that runs under
> macos/solaris/winblows ( I don't know about linux, but the solaris version
> probably could be ported if it hasn't already).  That lets you run tcl/tk
> programs (albeit slightly modified from their original form) via a web
> browser
	Yup, this is called a tclet "tick-let" and you need to install a
browser plugin to run it.  They have pretty cool demos for it.

> (just like javascript and java).  It's very cool and fast (much faster
> than
> java).  This was a couple of years ago so I don't know how available it
> still
> is, but Sun used to have a very nice demo page with downloadable source.
	look at  (also look at for Visual
tcl/tk a gui builder)

> imho use perl/tk
	Even with these, the underlying language (perl vs tcl) perl is
probably more flexible 
