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RE: [TCLUG:17411] [severely OT] Tcl vs Perl

> From the my-religion-is-better-than-yours dept.: I would like to hear
> informed opinions on the relative merits of perl vs Tcl as the programming
> language of choice for an open-source GUI project now forming.
	I don't know about the tcl stuff specifically, I looked at it and
syntactically it looks... well, *wierd*

	Also, I know that John Ousterhout (inventor of tcl/tk) has been
chastized by Richard Stallman and others for having the language itself not
open source.

	The only downside of Perl/Tk is that there is not that many books on
it.  O'Reilley's _Learning_Perl_ is a good intro, but lacks a complete
example.  O'Reilley's _Advanced_Perl_Programming_ has a decent example of a
complete Perl/Tk application, but they only dedicate two chapters to the

	I don't know if tcl supports threading.  That might be a
consideration.  Also, I know that Perl has better database connectivity
