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automount + yp == trouble

I am attemping to integrate a couple of SuSE linux boxes (6.3) into a
cluster of machines which interoperate with yp maps and utilize

ypcat auto.home returns the appropriate information. portmap is in
hosts.allow. Here are my auto.* files:

/home   /etc/auto.home 

cd              -fstype=iso9660,ro      :/dev/cdrom
floppy          -fstype=auto            :/dev/fd0    

/etc/rc.d/autofs status returns the following:

Checking for service autofs: OK
Configured Mount Points:
- ------------------------
automount -t 300 /home file /etc/auto.home
automount -t 300 /home yp auto.home nobrowse

Active Mount Points:
- --------------------
automount -t 300 /home file /etc/auto.home

(I believe there should be "yp" in there instead of/in addition to

/var/log/messages has only:
Mar 30 11:52:15 sevengill automount[155]: attempting to mount entry /home/tobkin
Mar 30 11:52:15 sevengill automount[289]: lookup(file): looking up tobkin
Mar 30 11:52:15 sevengill automount[289]: lookup(file): lookup for tobkin failed

for errors. I believe this means that the automounter is not seeing
the yp auto.home map. I have also tried 

/home  auto.home

Can anyone tell me what magic I'm missing?

Lynette Bellini
Systems Administrator
University of Minnesota