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Napster...and the like

NOTE: These were sent yesturday, but since the email server I use was 
misconfigured and since the list refuses mail by hostname as well as by domain, my email didn't get through.  anyway...

I was brainstorming a bit on how to write a suitable replacement for Napster
that would use the existing protocols and services readily available to us

	Module 1: The FTP/HTTP/MP3 "Casting" Server
	* Any FTP/HTTP server can be used
	* Enforce a standard directory structure and file naming schema
	* Allow the ftp server to enforce access control lists
	* Administrative UI to "add songs" to the server (glorified
	  ftp/http/etc. client that adheres to standard directory/file name
	** I'm partial to the ftp server

	Module 2: The Messanger Plugin
	* Create for existing messangers: ICQ, AOL, finger
	* Provides IP and port of FTP Server
	* Launches a 'find' function from friends list to see if they have a
	  similar "server status" plugin.
	* Provides UI to search song-lists from a specific "friend" or from the
	  database server.

	Module 3: The Messanger Server-side Plugin
	* Optional
	* Launches the 'find' function from users connecting to server to see
	  if they have the "napster server status" plugin
	* Downloads available "public" song lists from the user
	* Implements the database song-list search function

Violla.  You now have a File Exchange Application that leverages existing
technology.  So, I ask you, why does everyone have to reinvent the wheel?!
Think about it.  You avoid having to write a message protocol, a file transfer
protocol, and a security model.  You have it all in place.  All you need are
the database reference apps and the GUI plugins...  No biggie. *grin*  Plus,
you hide your traffic from standard port blocking.


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Chad Walstrom                
a.k.a ^chewie, gunnarr     

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