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Re: [TCLUG:14710] Many topics..

> A question:
> Ok so I want to play Q3.  I've got a fast computer and a fast
> connection, I just need a voodoo2 1000, voodoo3 2000, voodoo3 3000, voodoo3
> 3500...  Right now I've got a mach64 card with 8mb.  What would folks
> recommend I buy?  Are the voodoo3 3xxx worth the extra money?

Vodoo2's are cheap, but comparatively, so is the vodoo3 line. To get the
performance of the vodoo3's you need 2 vodoo2's, which fills up your
computer real fast. Get a vodoo3 3000 (preferably AGP) You won't be

Somedays I think I should have gotten a Vodoo3 over my TNT2. Then I
consider how often I really play anything in the Quake series. In the
end, I guess I'll stand by my decision. Eventually nVidia promises
better support, and eventually there will be 3D accelerated games I want
to play under linux. Seems like a workable equation to me.

|> Andrew S. Zbikowski | 
|> "Mistakes are a fact of life. It's the response to error that
|>  -- Nikki Giovanni