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Re: [TCLUG:14567] XFree86 4.0

Yaron wrote:
> Also, some extentions seem to be missing, like SHAPE and dpms(!!!), and
> the docs don't mention how to start/include them.

Yeah, I noticed last night that dpms seemed broken -- I have a little
button on my desktop that is supposed to run 'xset dpms force off', but
it didn't work....   Also, my xterms don't have the correct colors
(white turns to magenta and other weird stuff..).  Fortunately, Eterm
and gnome-terminal still work fine..

Oh well.  I guess those kinds of bugs aren't 'show-stoppers', since they
don't cause crashes -- they're just annoying ;-)  Hopefully, the XFree
developers will keep up their recent release rate and put up a
or something in about two weeks that fixes all these little

Oh yeah, I bought A G400 Max last night, so I might try out Xinerama at
some point (G400 Max comes with two video outs ;-)  I'll also have some
hardware to sell/trade ;-)  And I'll need to get a job to offset the
cost of that video card and all the other stuff I might get because of
it ;-)

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   Do cosmetologists give 
/ \/ \(_)| ' // ._\  / - \(_)/ ./| ' /(__   make-up exams? 
\_||_/|_||_|_\\___/  \_-_/|_|\__\|_|_\ __)                             
 [ Mike Hicks | | ]