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Re: [TCLUG:19950] Debian glibc2.1
On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 01:14:48PM -0500, Andy Zbikowski wrote:
>glibc 2.1 has yet to make in into a stable debian distribution. Slink is
>glibc2.0. Potato (2.2) and Woody (2.3) are 2.1 based. Potato is frozen
>and in the third test cycle, woody is temper...I mean developmental
You know I run woody exclusively on my desktops and laptops (admittedly my
production boxen are frozen) and I NEVER have any, as you say, temper I mean
unstable problems. I think it's terrific.
Ben Lutgens Cell: 651.387.9065 Home: 651.703.9541
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James Bond - The World Is Not Enough