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RE: [TCLUG:4336] celeron
the 300a is a great chip, my room-mate has one, and it preforms very nicely..
the problem is this.. intel is trying to build in overclocking restrictors, so
that it will only run at 300mhz. i'm not sure if these chips have made it to
the market or not.
the AMD K6-3 is out, and in some benchmarks outpreforms a PIII (including the
500mhz) in others (KNI instructions active) is very slow, oh well.. linux
doesn't use KNI, so there isn't a problem. I havn't seen any linux benchmarks
for the K6-3 yet, but maybe i will try and find someone with a chip and bench
On 26-Feb-99 wrote:
> does anyone here have any experience with the newer celeron's, like the 333a
> and the 400a. what i'm wondering is how overclock friendly they are. i am
> aware that the 300a can be overclocked nicely to 450, but i was curious about
> the others, as i am thinking about getting a new cpu and board and piecing
> together a new machine this weekend. not to mention $79 for a 300a is just
> to
> good to pass up. anyway, if anyone knows, please drop me a line. thanks.
> len.
> --
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Ben Kochie (
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- References:
- celeron
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