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does anyone here have any experience with the newer celeron's, like the 333a
and the 400a. what i'm wondering is how overclock friendly they are. i am
aware that the 300a can be overclocked nicely to 450, but i was curious about
the others, as i am thinking about getting a new cpu and board and piecing
together a new machine this weekend. not to mention $79 for a 300a is just to
good to pass up. anyway, if anyone knows, please drop me a line. thanks.
- - -- --- -----[ ]----- --- -- - -
"God damn the lovers who never showed up ...
and god damn the wounds that show how deep a word can cut ..."
- - -- ----[ 83 C0 55 57 7D AF 81 A1 7B 14 49 0C A0 7F 45 E8 ]-- - - -