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Re: [TCLUG:3871] permission problem
Okay... you're using NFS _and_ NIS, right?
First, make sure that when a disk is NFS mounted, it's mounted read/write,
and that the mount-point (before mounting) is 755/root/root.
Certain vendor versions of NFS validate file access permissions based on uid
and gid (the numbers), not on owner-name and group-name. Don't know the
heritage of NFS on Linux, but this "feature" may have been duplicated.
Check that your user-id (the integer uid, not the name) and your group-id
(the integer gid, not the name) is identical on all machines that mount your
home directory.
To ensure this is the case, on any machine where you have _full_ access (as
you, not as root), do:
- Log in
- Execute:
cd /tmp
touch TEST
ls -ln ./TEST
ls -l ./TEST
You should see something like:
MACH1:Tim=> cd /tmp
MACH1:tmp=> touch TEST
MACH1:tmp=> ls -ln ./TEST
-rw-r--r-- 1 501 100 0 Feb 3 14:58 ./TEST
MACH1:tmp=> ls -l ./TEST
-rw-r--r-- 1 Tim Wilson 0 Feb 3 14:58 ./TEST
In this example, "501" is the UID aliased to user-name "Tim", and "100" is
the "GID" aliased to user-group "Wilson"
Repeat this procedure where you can't get access. Either/both of the UID
and GID will probably be different.
If they are, Change stuff as necessary to make 'em the same as on the
machine where you have full access.
If they aren't different, then ignore this message, 'cause mismatched UIDs
and/or GIDs ain't your problem.
Hope this helps,
Tim Wilson wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Sandipan Panigrahi wrote:
> > Check the ownership and permissions of the local mount directories
> > on machines. We had a similar problem on a few AIX machines
> > at work some time ago and we discovered that it has to do
> > with the directory permissions of the client machines that the
> > remote directory was mounted on.
> Could you elaborate on this a little more. I'm not sure what the
> permissions *should* be. Thanks.