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CF: part2: newskills

	Ok, here's my 2nd part--the new skills. -b.t. 


	CF has been hurting for a real throwing skill for some
	time; I would like to take a stab at it but I must
	admit that my first attempt to write this code a few
	months back crashed and burned.

	In essence, I would like to re-use the arrow/missile
	code for thrown objects. As a first attempt, all thrown
	(flying) items will use the same face as they had when 
	they were 'unthrown'. I will construct a thrown object
	form the object to be thrown, then insert the original
	object into the thrown object. When the thrown object
	hits something, the original object is re-inserted into
	the map or target inventory as appropriate.

	Sometimes thrown objects break. So we need a contingency
	table for this too. ie potions need to effect the target,
	containers need to spill their contents, and we should 
	allow torches (or other burning stuff) to light stuff 
	near (or on!) the target on fire. 
	NPC's should be able to throw stuff.

	2-handed melee.

	Yesterday I was scanning through the player classes mentally

	checking off which ones were harder and easier. THen I came
	to the swashbuckler. I realized that this was the one class
	I have never played. Why? basically poor swashbuckler suffers
	from low INT, and a shitty special skill (singing, feh).
	Lets give him a better skill. 

	In two-handed melee, the user can use 2 weapons (bet you guessed
	that). Here's some conditions for using it:

	o you need to know melee weapons skill first (not a biggie --
	  since all players currently start with this)

	o you earn fractionly less experience from using it (since its
	  really an advantage in combat). Possible fraction ~ 2/3.

	o place a weight limit on the combined weight of the 'primary'
	  and secondary weapons.

	o sheild is unapplied if you use this.

	Now, what will it do??

	You get 2 possibilities:

		- under normal usage, you just add in the secondary weapon's

		- if you use a 'special' attack (cf melee weapons) of
		  the 'primary' weapon, the secondary weapon damage is 
		  reduced by 1/2. Lets also allow a text option, ie

			use_skill 2-handed <weapon>

		  that you could bind to a key, allowing you to use *either*
		  the primary or secondary weapon in a 'special' attack. So, 
		  for example, lets say a player has a mace (bash) and a 
	  	  dagger (parry). The player can either:

		  use_skill 2-handed mace 	(excuting special bash 'attack')


		  use_skill 2-handed dagger 	(excuting special parry 'attack')