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Re: Call me crazy but...

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Colin wrote:

> On this subject is there a way to make a stone block that looks like
> any type of wall that dissappears. My problem is that the block goes
> down and changes image and then when it comes up again it has the
> standard stoneblock image. I was hoping to make a maze that changes
> as you move through it, but to do this it looks like I'll have to employ
> holes or exits and change to a slightly different map.

Problem here is that animation sequence exist in archetype
structure, so if the image is changed, the starting image,
and then the block image sequence goes down and up, then
the image is set first image of the image sequence, not to the
defined image.

So, what you have to do, is create new archetype with wanted
image sequnece (anim).

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