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Re: Classes, race, experiece.

 Just several notes on the last 20 or so messages:

 Super weapons:  As the code is now, a player can not use a weapon that
has been enchanted their level +5.  So if people out there have +30
Taifus, it means they must be at least level 35 (and had to find 35
enchant weapon scrolls).

 Likewise, if it is giving +10 to a stat, either they used a lot of potions
in one casting (200 to be exact), or used the improve stat bonus scroll
several times.

 In either case, I don't know if it is a major problem./  If you are level
35, even without a super weapon, there are probably very few challenges
left, and you just might as well retire the character.

 In fact, I think that is at least one problem with the game.  Most all
other related games have some ending goal, and crossfire has none.  As such,
people will play characters in crossfire long after there are few challenges

 Raising stats and maxing them out: I personally really don't want to
add code that requires drinking more than one potion to raise a stat
1 point.  This would mean that keeping track of how many potions for that
stat ahs been consumed, and would just seem to make things messier.

 Also, I am not sure how much I like the idea of making it exponentially
harder above a certain point.  Because it would mean that the huma
(with all abilities of a max of 20) would have a much easier time maxing
out all his abilities compared to some class whose max ability is 28.

 The biggest problem I see in any change is getting everyone to agree.
Some (like myself) seem to think that the present system isn't too bad.
Others want to make major changes, and other people more minor changes.

 If I was to do a change, it would be like the following:
1) Race determines max abilities, stat adjustments, and perhaps some
base abilities (protections or vulnerabilites).

2) Class would determine starting equipment and what hte class does.
Fighters would have a better WC, and it would improve faster.  Only cleric
classes could cast cleric spells, same for mage classes.  Certain classes
may also get innate abilities.  There would also be classes which are really 
mergers of two classes (paladin = fighter + mage, etc).  In general,
hit points would be the same for all classes.

3) The experience multiplier would be used for certain races or classes.
In this way, a paladin would advance more slowly than a straight fighter.
The experience multiplier might also apply to some races.

 In a sense, this is a lot like how Omega did it.  It gives much stronger
class types than what exists right now, but if you choose the right
class, you can pretty much do everything a character now could do, you just
might advance much slower.

 Also, add class or race specific items.  OR maybe make them work better
for some classes.  For example, an elf wearing a cloak of elvenkind would
get better bonuses.  Maybe only paladins would get the full bonuses for
holy avengers.  The problem with this (as it is now), is really keeping
track of what the alternative bonuses should be (I suppose to archetyps
 (multiple) archetypes oculd be used, with a a field stating what class
can use this.  If no match, then only that specific class can use it.
If one has a general field (ie, everyone can), then there could be
two archetypes.  If the class matches, that is used, if not, then the
one allowed for general usage is used.
