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Re: Idea

Rupert thinks [I include it all because reportedly many didn't receive this]:
> Lots of crossfire depends upon the players having to finish some
> goal in order to proceed. This is a good thing, and the work that a
> couple of people are reporting they are doing with unique keys will
> further that aim. If, however, players can teleport randomly (or
> pass through walls etc) then all of the puzzles, quests etc are
> thrown out the window. Using no_magic is _not_ the solution as we
> will end up with most of the map areas being no_magic, which is not
> a desirable situation.

Maybe we could allow the map-object (ie. the first object in the
.oo-file) to contain modifiers. Ie., if it had no_magic, all objects
contained in that map would get that as a default value. I know this
might slow down map-loading, especially if we allowed general
modifiers - but I can't think of any other attribute which would make
sense on a global sense. Anyway, it's an idea.

Kjetil T.