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RE: (ASCEND) BRI solutions?

Well, you'll want to have your customer order their own ISDN Centrex
(provide them with the information needed by the telco, such as address,
floor, room, corner, shelf, etc).  Do *NOT* order the Centrex BRI for
yourself, unless you're willing to order both sides, and handle the billing
with the customer.

We've actually been working towards becoming a single point of billing so
that when we do reach a critical mass (9-10 customers in a single calling
area), we can do the PRI solution, which will be easier to manage, cheaper
on the equipment side, and make life easier in general.  (the customer's
bill will be about the same, perhaps a bit less)

FYI, this has been a great selling point for us when dealing with those
customers that desire something faster than a 56k modem, but not willing to
pay for a T1.  Our pricing schedule allows us to go from 56k to 64, 128,
then 256K before moving the customer to a T1.  Saves quite a bit of money
and makes for a *very* happy customer.


** -----Original Message-----
** From:
** []On Behalf Of Admin Mailing
** Lists
** Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 1:22 PM
** To: Troy Settle
** Cc:
** Subject: RE: (ASCEND) BRI solutions?
** yeah, they mentioned something about centrex. we dont have a centrex
** switch here on anything (not that i'm even qualified in that area). they
** mentioned that they just dial a 4 digit extenion and they can connect to
** all their branches, and they want to do that with us and incur no per
** minute charges.
** so you're saying we can do this just with a pipeline 50 and
** ordering a BRI
** circuit from the telco?
** -Tony
** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
** Anthony J. Biacco                       Network Administrator/Engineer
**                    Intergrafix Internet Services
**     "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
** On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Troy Settle wrote:
** >
** > If you're talking about setting up something like an ISDN Centrex
** > connection, you can do this, but it'll be tricky getting the
** order through
** > the telco, and probably way to expensive.
** >
** > The long and short of it is that you order a PRI on a centrex.
**  Then, order
** > a BRI on behalf of your customer on the same Centrex group
** that your PRI is
** > on.  Once installed, your customer should be able to maintain a 24/7
** > connection at a fairly reasonable line cost (in VA, it's
** ~$45/month/centrex
** > loop).
** >
** > Your better solution for a single customer in this situation,
** would be to
** > start with a P50, then work up to a Max 1804 (I think this is the 4 BRI
** > solution), then an 1800 as the # of customers with this service grows.
** >
** > Currently, we're servicing 10 128k and 1 256k dedicated ISDN
** customers in
** > this fashion, and it works beautifully well.  We've explored
** the PRI Centrex
** > option, but found it to be a little too expensive at this time.
** >
** > HTH,
** >
** > --
** >   Troy Settle
** >   iPlus Internet Services
** >
** >
** > ** -----Original Message-----
** > ** From:
** > ** []On Behalf Of Admin Mailing
** > ** Lists
** > ** Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 10:45 AM
** > ** To:
** > ** Subject: (ASCEND) BRI solutions?
** > **
** > **
** > **
** > ** Hi,
** > **
** > ** I currently have a few Max 4004/4048 boxes with free T1
** > ** ports..i'm running
** > ** ftik.m40. We support dialup and ISDN users over PRI lines.
** > ** Now we have a customer that wants ISDN BRI access (2B+D)
** > ** Can we use the 4004/4048 for this? If so, what would need
** to be done?
** > ** Would a single BRI customer take up 1 T1 port or can we
** bring a PRI line
** > ** in a allocate 3 channels accordingly for each customer?
** > ** How much memory/CPU load would this incur on a box? I know
** when we ran
** > ** more than 2 PRIs on a box we had problems..heat, load,
** we just
** > ** kept every box at 2, now wondering if we'll have this same
** problem going
** > ** with a third for this different access.
** > ** If this CANT be done, would you recommend a pipeline 50, a
** superpipe 95,
** > ** or something else for this task?
** > **
** > ** Thanx,
** > **
** > ** -Cygnus
** > **
** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
** > ** Anthony J. Biacco                       Network
** Administrator/Engineer
** > **                    Intergrafix
** Internet Services
** > **
** > **     "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
** > **
> ** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
> **
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