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RE: (ASCEND) BRI solutions?

well, i meant they already do centrex stuff with their branch offices, not
that they are just starting it. i meant they're just starting to want to
include us on an extension for net access

Anthony J. Biacco                       Network Administrator/Engineer                    Intergrafix Internet Services

    "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"      

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Troy Settle wrote:

> Well, you'll want to have your customer order their own ISDN Centrex
> (provide them with the information needed by the telco, such as address,
> floor, room, corner, shelf, etc).  Do *NOT* order the Centrex BRI for
> yourself, unless you're willing to order both sides, and handle the billing
> with the customer.
> We've actually been working towards becoming a single point of billing so
> that when we do reach a critical mass (9-10 customers in a single calling
> area), we can do the PRI solution, which will be easier to manage, cheaper
> on the equipment side, and make life easier in general.  (the customer's
> bill will be about the same, perhaps a bit less)
> FYI, this has been a great selling point for us when dealing with those
> customers that desire something faster than a 56k modem, but not willing to
> pay for a T1.  Our pricing schedule allows us to go from 56k to 64, 128,
> then 256K before moving the customer to a T1.  Saves quite a bit of money
> and makes for a *very* happy customer.
> -Troy
> ** -----Original Message-----
> ** From:
> ** []On Behalf Of Admin Mailing
> ** Lists
> ** Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 1:22 PM
> ** To: Troy Settle
> ** Cc:
> ** Subject: RE: (ASCEND) BRI solutions?
> **
> **
> **
> ** yeah, they mentioned something about centrex. we dont have a centrex
> ** switch here on anything (not that i'm even qualified in that area). they
> ** mentioned that they just dial a 4 digit extenion and they can connect to
> ** all their branches, and they want to do that with us and incur no per
> ** minute charges.
> ** so you're saying we can do this just with a pipeline 50 and
> ** ordering a BRI
> ** circuit from the telco?
> **
> ** -Tony
> ** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
> ** Anthony J. Biacco                       Network Administrator/Engineer
> **                    Intergrafix Internet Services
> **
> **     "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
> **      
> ** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
> **
> ** On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Troy Settle wrote:
> **
> ** >
> ** > If you're talking about setting up something like an ISDN Centrex
> ** > connection, you can do this, but it'll be tricky getting the
> ** order through
> ** > the telco, and probably way to expensive.
> ** >
> ** > The long and short of it is that you order a PRI on a centrex.
> **  Then, order
> ** > a BRI on behalf of your customer on the same Centrex group
> ** that your PRI is
> ** > on.  Once installed, your customer should be able to maintain a 24/7
> ** > connection at a fairly reasonable line cost (in VA, it's
> ** ~$45/month/centrex
> ** > loop).
> ** >
> ** > Your better solution for a single customer in this situation,
> ** would be to
> ** > start with a P50, then work up to a Max 1804 (I think this is the 4 BRI
> ** > solution), then an 1800 as the # of customers with this service grows.
> ** >
> ** > Currently, we're servicing 10 128k and 1 256k dedicated ISDN
> ** customers in
> ** > this fashion, and it works beautifully well.  We've explored
> ** the PRI Centrex
> ** > option, but found it to be a little too expensive at this time.
> ** >
> ** > HTH,
> ** >
> ** > --
> ** >   Troy Settle
> ** >   iPlus Internet Services
> ** >
> ** >
> ** > ** -----Original Message-----
> ** > ** From:
> ** > ** []On Behalf Of Admin Mailing
> ** > ** Lists
> ** > ** Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 10:45 AM
> ** > ** To:
> ** > ** Subject: (ASCEND) BRI solutions?
> ** > **
> ** > **
> ** > **
> ** > ** Hi,
> ** > **
> ** > ** I currently have a few Max 4004/4048 boxes with free T1
> ** > ** ports..i'm running
> ** > ** ftik.m40. We support dialup and ISDN users over PRI lines.
> ** > ** Now we have a customer that wants ISDN BRI access (2B+D)
> ** > ** Can we use the 4004/4048 for this? If so, what would need
> ** to be done?
> ** > ** Would a single BRI customer take up 1 T1 port or can we
> ** bring a PRI line
> ** > ** in a allocate 3 channels accordingly for each customer?
> ** > ** How much memory/CPU load would this incur on a box? I know
> ** when we ran
> ** > ** more than 2 PRIs on a box we had problems..heat, load,
> ** we just
> ** > ** kept every box at 2, now wondering if we'll have this same
> ** problem going
> ** > ** with a third for this different access.
> ** > ** If this CANT be done, would you recommend a pipeline 50, a
> ** superpipe 95,
> ** > ** or something else for this task?
> ** > **
> ** > ** Thanx,
> ** > **
> ** > ** -Cygnus
> ** > **
> ** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
> ** > ** Anthony J. Biacco                       Network
> ** Administrator/Engineer
> ** > **                    Intergrafix
> ** Internet Services
> ** > **
> ** > **     "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today"
> ** > **
> > ** .-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.
> > **
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