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(ASCEND) Logging SNMP Traps

I was curious as to what people are using to monitor SNMP traps from MAXs
to a Linux host. I have snmptrapd from the CMU SNMP Linux distribution
running, however I'm having trouble getting it to report traps in a
meaningful manner.

I have things similar to the following in syslog:

Oct 19 13:42:55 snmptrapd: max Enterprise Specific Trap (12) Uptime: 11 days, 21:29:11
enterprises.ascend.console.consoleTable.consoleEntry.consoleIndex.2 = INTEGER: 2

Is there any way to make this more readable, so I don't have to flip
through the manual to figure out what it means? I'd like it to report
"consoleStateChange" instead of just (12) and maybe tell me the
significance of the 2 value. I've tried appending the MIBs from Ascend's
FTP site to mib.txt, which helped, but I'm still left with the above..

For that matter, I've got the impression that CMU SNMP may not be the best
at handling enterprise specific additions. What other *NIX SNMP managers
have people found useful?

Thanks in advance for any help!

(Semi-RFC Compliant Crappy Sig #13)
Dave                    | E-Mail                        | The truth is out     |       | there. Drink
BOFH                    | for PGP Public Key            | milk. MOO.

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