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(ASCEND) Re: Ascend OSPF?


I don't know if you caught my previous post about this problem but I
thought I'd post it again JIC.  As an update, the below suggestions from
Ascend haven't helped me much and we are know at three weeks and

This is a known bug TR2930 that Ascend is working on a fix for.  They
gave me an estimate of "at least two weeks" about two weeks ago.  They
also gave me a few suggestions to ease things until the fix arrives...

1.  An upgrade to 5.0Ap38 on all 4 of our Max 4000's:  Previously we
were running 5.0Ap33.  (5.0Ap33 was worse.)

2.  Turning "Pool Summary=Yes" in Ethernet->Mod Config->Wan Options.

3.  Setting the "Priority=0" in Ethernet->Mod Config->OSPF Options.

4.  Place the max in any area other than 0(backbone). This will prevent
other areas from injecting Summary Links to the area where Maxen are

5.  Place the max in a stub area(if only modem users connect to the max
and they get IP from pool). 

Read up on Pool Summary before applying that one before you use it in
case you are assigning addresses from pools in RADIUS which allows any
any of your Maxen to have addresses assigned from the same address
block.  I had to assign /26 address subnets to use for pools for each
individual Max first.  Pool summary will then summarize the routing
announcements to your OSPF network, i.e. instead of having a single /32
route to every individual dialup customer announced to each other Max on
your network, you'll have a single /26 route for all of the dialups on
that Max announced to the other Maxen.  It shortens your routing table
considerably, especially if you have a lot of Maxen.  Sort of like using

Todd Bishop
Unicom Communications, Inc.

> I keep getting OSPF: Fatal error: calloc returned null ospf_rxreq.c:71
> And then ospf dies.
> Going to the terminal and typing a show ospf ?
> Gives you the statement that ospf is not running, even though it was
> running half and hour before. Ive seen this in both p36 and p38.
> This happens as frequently as every two hours and may take as long as two
> weeks. The maxes with a lot of activity fail soonest.
> Im also seeing a lot of these.
> FATAL ERROR:  Index: 29  Load: tbi.m40 Revision: 5.0Ap36
> >         Date: 01/16/1998.       Time: 23:56:51
> >         Location: b0193034 b01923e0 b017eaf0 b0089690 00061f73 0dff0007
> > SYSTEM IS UP:  Index: 100  Load: tbi.m40 Revision: 5.0Ap36
> >         Date: 01/16/1998.       Time: 23:58:55
> > FATAL ERROR:  Index: 29  Load: tbi.m40 Revision: 5.0Ap36
> >         Date: 01/17/1998.       Time: 09:10:27
> >         Location: b016690c b017ce24 b017cfd8 b017a374 b0187054 b01905b4
> as well as Index 111's
> Max 4004 8 mod, ip only, ospf and stacking on.

***** *****    Todd Bishop       
 ***   ***     Bit Slapper
  *     *      Unicom Communications, Inc. info:
   *****       7223 W 95th St Ste 325      (913)327-5307
    ***        Overland Park, KS 66212          327-5375 Support
     *                                          327-5300 Main
                                                327-5376 Fax
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