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Re: (ASCEND) New P75:s available in Sweden?


Sorry for the need to bother you and the list regarding this matter again,
but there are still no new P75:s (Version 2 etc) available in my country
(Sweden, located in the norden part of Europe), and we have no specific
information on why!

I have had several discutions whith the major distributors (that receives
P75 shipments directly from Ascend, before distributing them to retailers
etc). They have on several occations had discussions with Ascend, and the
current status seems to be:

   There are "no new P75:s available for Europe" at this time. They will
   probably be available late Q1 or early Q2 1998.

I have not been informed why the availability of the new P75:s are postponed
time after time (Ascend Sweden did say they should be available late 
October 1997), but I can guess:

   * There are some hardware/software problem regarding "Euro ISDN" or the
     CLID support on the POTS ports (POTS CLID works differently in 
     many countries).

   * Problems with "approval proceses" etc in Europe!
     I don't know if I can trust Ascends "International Product Certificates"
     page for Europe ( It lists the 
     Pipeline 15 as "Certified and Available" for Sweden, but it's certainly
     *not* available today through Ascends Swedish distributors!

     Regarding P75:s, it's of course impossible to tell if the Certificates
     regards the new or the old one :-( !

   * Production problems..

Our "ISDN telecomuting project" have waited for the new P75:s since
the end of October 1997, and we are still waiting... And of course, our 
customers are *NOT* very happy with our progress!!

The information we have received are pretty vague, and we would appreciate
any information regarding the availability of the new P75:s in Sweden
and the rest of Europe (have anyone got them?).

By the way, OLD P75:s with a switch, currently sold in Sweden have 
S/N begining whith 750xxxx!

Regards Thomas

On 06 December 1997, Matt Holdrege <> wrote:
> At 12:59 PM 12/5/97 +0100, Thomas Falk Claezon wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Is the "new" Pipeline 75 available in Sweden, or does Ascend always ship
> >"old" P75:s to us?
> >
> >We have had "new" P75:s on order for at least 2 months now. But our
> >distributors are only receiving "old ones" from Ascend. We belived that
> >there was "new" P75:s in one shipment due to the serial numbers. But as
> >all of you on this list knows, you can't trust the serial number alone :-( !
> >
> >I talked to Ascend Sweden ca 2 weeks ago regarding this matter. Unfortunally
> >they haven't come up with an answer yet! Maybe someone on this list has more 
> >info?
> The new models don't have switches on the back. Unfortunately, some
> distributers at different tiers still have the old models left over that
> they are trying to get rid of. But we aren't making the old ones anymore
> and not shipping them either.
> Matt Holdrege
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 Thomas Falk Claezon           ERICSSON, AXE Research and Development
 Phone:   +46 8 727 34 12      Box 1505
 Fax:     +46 8 647 82 76      S-125 25 ALVSJO
 Email: SWEDEN
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