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(ASCEND) Correlations of Good and Evil <Modems/TNT>

I recently had a small customer do some testing since he had 
local access to his own customer base and was actually willing
to do so.

Scenario: FOO calls ISP and says "Hey you suck! I can't
connect no matter what support tells me to do."

The response was for the ISP to send out a tech with a USR Sportster
33.6 and swap out the modem the customer was trying. They did this
in 25 cases.

Results? 100% of the time the problem was resolved. There was no
commonality among any modem. Completely random manufacturers. Generally
non-mainstream though.

As well, they put the old modem back and had them connect to 
a Max 4000. Results: 100%.

Why does the TNT have trouble with so many <56K modems> and who's not
following standards? Ascend or modem manufacturers?


Martin Hannigan             
Director of Data Networks             V:617.500.0108
XCOM Technologies, INC.               F:617.500.0002
The Leading Carrier for ISP's
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