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(ASCEND) New Max/TNT/Pipeline HTML docs (fwd)

Once upon a time Matt Holdrege shaped the electrons to say...
>finished a very large job. They have released the doc set for Max 6.0,
>Pipeline 6.0 and TNT 2.0. You can ftp your own copy in HTML to load on your
>hard drive. This is a wonderful resource and I think you will be pleased
>with what they have created.

Nice - Any chance of PDF for those of us who are fogeys and like to hold
paper to read?

>But don't wait, these are large files and we won't keep them on our very
>busy FTP server for too long.

Huh?  Sorry, this just doesn't make sense.  If it is a useful resource,
room should be found.  If the FTP server can't swing it, then a better
server - or multiple servers - could.  Doesn't it make sense to have the
manuals available in as many forms as possible to the users?  The easier
it is to get ahold of good docs, the more likely a customer is to help
themselves and not call support.

I know I'm biased, when I was webmaster at Lucent I pushed this.  Lucent
RABU now has all manuals available openly on their website as browsable
HTML, PDF, Gzipped PostScript, and a Gzipped Tarball of the HTML for those 
who want to download it and have it on a local machine.  The only reason
the raw FrameMaker isn't up is there aren't enough users who wanted it.

Information that is useful to the customer and helps them to use the 
product better should be easily accessable to them.  It makes for more
effective use of the product, better reputation, fewer headaches for the
customer and an easier time of it for support.  I poked around the
Ascend website and found datasheets, white papers, etc.  Is there a
page for manuals that I failed to locate?

<> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 781-788-0130
<> <URL:> Hail Discordia!
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