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Re: (ASCEND) The Continuing Saga Of The Inexplicable Fast Busies

>I have been conducting some (relatively) extensive tests involving the
>"inexplicable fast busy" issue with the Max 2000 and 4000.  Using PRI on a
>Max 2000, in this case.  I get the PRI from a CLEC, ICG in fact, whereas
>all the voice phones go through US West.
>A little background: Sometimes users get a fast busy signal trying to dial
>into the Max, even though there are still lines and modems available.
>Sometimes even if ALL the lines are available. :)

>Supposedly, the switch on the other end is a 5ESS switch (which I believe
>should be set as an AT&T type).  I found that the service works
>(apparently) equally well whether the switch type is set to AT&T or NI-2.
>It specifically does not work if you set it to NTI, but instead produces
>"all circuits busy".

correct me if i'm wrong anyone but you are looking at a few issues.

5ESS is an AT&T switch type whereas NI-2 is a PRI ISDN standard. I don't
know exactly what the feature differences are but when you select AT&T, you
are telling the max that you are connected to an AT&T switch so use/expect
certain codes, protocols and features when comunicating with the switch.
when you select NI-2, you are telling the Max that you don't really care
what peice of equipment is at the other end of the PRI but it conforms to
the National ISDN type 2 standard as set by some telco/IEEE comittee. Use
whichever one they recomend  (i can use either as well)

the fast busy signal is another story. I think it means that there were no
circuits available to carry your call into the ICG switch. whatever it
means, It is an indication that the call was rejected before its

when our company tried a certain CLEC a year ago, I think we were the first
ISP in miami to try thier service and they didn't realize that 10 PRIs meant
10 PRIs in use the entire day. Although thier switch had the capacity to
handle the lines, thier backbone connection to BellSouth was only slightly
above that. consiquently, between our high ratio of lines in use at any one
time and thier other customers in the area, our custmers got fast busy
signals most of the time. It took about a month for them to upgrade thier
link to Bell.

Ask them about thier capacity between thier switch to US west and how many
other customers thay have on your switch..


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