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Re: (ASCEND) beginner snmp?

On Mon, Apr 20, 1998 at 09:19:59AM -0700, Stephen Chen wrote:
> Thanks for the responses on monitor MAX peak usage.  Looks like custom SNMP
> scripting is the only way to do it.
> What is a good source (URL?) for a rookie like me to learn about MIB files?

Hmm, dunno of online resources (but I have not searched). A very good source
for all the SNMP related stuff is the book about SNMP network management
by Marshal T. Rose.

>  I have searched around the web and got cmu-snmp tools installed on my
> Solaris box (snmpget, snmpset, senmpwalk, etc) but can't seem to get it to
> read ascend.mib (after renaming it to mib.txt of course).  I recall a while
> back someone saying cmu-snmp can not interpretate ascend.mib due to its
> newer format.  I have removed the "Begin" line but then it says there are
> some unconnected nodes.  How do I modify ascend.mib (call.mib, etc?) for
> cmu-snmp to read it?

Dunno, I don't use CMU. There are several spinoffs of CMU, maybe one
of them does better. When it comes to SNMP prototyping my favorite is
"Scotty". Scotty is a Tcl extension which can do almost anything you
ever wanted to do with SNMP (and even more, like ICMP, DNS etc). It
comes with TkINED, a whole NMS written using Scotty and Tcl/Tk. And
(probably more useful for prototyping) it comes with a MIB browser
(mibtree) that shows you a tree view of the MIBs it has loaded (it has
no problems to load the whole Ascend MIB kit btw) and allows you to
scan through it rapidly.



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
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