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RE: (ASCEND) Arp routing

There's no such thing as "arp routing", what you have here is Tomfoolery.
arp was not designed to be used as a routing or re-direction function across
different subnets. Proxy-arp in a situation like this is a bad hack and
doesn't scale at all.  Why not just route, you have all the pieces in place?
Even RIP2 with small timer values will get you out of your problem in a
fashionable way.  OSPF in the later 5.0p tree works well too for your
situation and is the preferred method for scaling.

If you'd like, I am sure the group here will help you with a config to do

Best regards,

David Van Allen - FASTNET(tm) / You Tools Corporation (888)321-FAST(3278)
FASTNET - Business and Personal Internet Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 1998 1:34 AM
Subject: (ASCEND) Arp routing

"Arp" routing with 2 Max 40xx

Our configuration includes 2 Max 40xx, 1 Cisco 25xx
The 2 Maxen receive connections from external users
    - some users receive ip address from a pool (each max has its own pool)
      no probleme in his case
    - some users has a fixed subnet ip adress (defined in radius)
Calls may arrive indifferently on Max 1 ou Max 2 (unique call number for
the all PRIs)
The Cisco is the Internet gateway

Max 1 :
        - ip :
  - default route to cisco (
  - Rip and Ospf not enabled
  - Proxy mode active
Max 2 :
        - ip :
  - default route to cisco (
  - Rip and Ospf  not enabled
  - proxy mode active
Cisco (Internet gateway)
  - primary ip :
  - secondary ip :
  - Rip not enabled (for administrative reasons)
Radius profile for user net1 :
  - framed ip-adress :
  - framed subnet-mask :

The problem is the following :
  - user net1 connects via Max 1
  - everyhing is OK
   - user net1 disconnects from Max 1 and reconnects via Max 2
  - traceroute on cisco show cisco still trying to send to Max 1
It seems that cisco has still an arp entry for net1 pointing to Max 1

Doest anybody has an idea for either :
    - clearing arp table in cisco
    - routing from Max 1 to Max 2
Any help welcome

Gérard Cany Symphonie-MNet
Parc Technologique de la Pompignanne
34055 Montpellier Cedex 1
tel : 67 34 65 76
Fax : 67 34 65 71

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