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Re: (ASCEND) Pool handling strategies (was: IP Addresses needed for 4048)

On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Andre Beck wrote:

> It indeed rotates and IMHO this is a Bad Idea (tm).
> 1) I want to revert the "unclean shutdown" argument. If a user drops
>    his connection with TCP connections still open, these connections
>    will live _forever_ - constantly retrying with a new segment every
>    minute or two. This is _evil_ when you use dialed connections. If
>    an IP would be reused fast, the dangling TCP connection would be
>    RSTed by the new target soon. The dangling TCP lives as long as
>    the IP is _not_ reused.

Timeouts should take care of this. Or the Max should generate an ICMP
destination unreachable (it seems to already). 

> My thinking about this (likely not Ascends - bad enough):
> 1) Pool IPs should be handed out with a "try-my-best-to-reget-the-old-IP"
>    strategy. If the IP cannot be reused or the NAS has no information
>    any longer about which profile did have which IP a hour ago, it should
>    be LRU - but only then.

This is IMHO a bad idea. It would make session hijacking much easier. All
you would have to do is (for example) winnuke a windows box and and time
you dial-in attempt correctly. You would probably have some problems with
sequence numbers though.

Damien Miller

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