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Re: (ASCEND) New TNT and CSMX cards

Dans son message (In his/her message), Peter Lalor ecrivait (wrote) :
> >From: "William R. Charnock" <>
> >
> >I am curious -- I have a TNT with 6 CSMX cards and 1 HDLC-2 card.  I put
> >the HDLC-2 card in above all the other cards and set the call-routing to
> >slot-first.  I still am getting ISDN calls routed to the CSMX cards
> >(thereby eliminating the modem for analog use).  Can I simply delete the
> >call-routing profile for these cards that handles the digital calls?
Strange I've been told by Ascend that this (below) may not work due
to longer boot time for the HDLC card...


> If you set digital-call-routing=slot-first and have the HDLC card(s) above
> the CSMX card(s), digital (nailed T1 and ISDN) calls should fill the HDLC
> card first. Perhaps the HDLC card's processors are being filled by nailed
> connections? IME with a v1 HDLC card, it comes up after the CSMX card, so
> nailed profiles use the CSMX card regardless of your efforts.
> If you delete the call-routing profile that will prevent ISDN calls from
> hitting the CSMX cards, but it will also prevent ISDN calls from
> overflowing to them.
> There just isn't a good way to handle this yet. Ascend says they're working
> on it.
> Peter Lalor           Infoasis
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