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Re: (ASCEND) More Fatal Errors with 6.0.2!

> So we download the latest and greatest code onto our MAXen (6.0.2) and this
> is what we get:
> FATAL ERROR:  Index: 8  Load: ftbak.m40 Revision: 6.0.2
>         Date: 03/27/1998.       Time: 21:50:37
>         Location: b0067a84 00000000 b00091d8 b010f384 b0121bdc b011ff9c
> Can someone please interpret or tell me where to look for decoding?

You need to send this information to Ascend customer service.

Only Ascend engineering will be able to fully decode the information.
The stack information is not much help to anyone else.

At this point you have seen similiar behavior with both the 6.0b2 (beta 2)
and the 6.0.2 releases.  You either (a) have a hardware flaw that is
triggering a problem that requires equipment replacement or (b) you have
a software flaw that needs to be fixed by engineering.

Both of these require intervention from Ascend tech support.

If you want to minimize the hassles, then I would recommend you send both
the fatal error logs (from 6.0.2 *and* 6.0b2) via e-mail to

Make sure you include your model number, part number, and serial number
for the MAX.  You can get these off the equipment.

You will then receive an email response indicating the ticket response
number assigned to your issue.  When you get back your ticket number,
which means that the information is now on hand with customer service,
call them at (800) 272-3634 between 6:00am and 6:00pm PST.  Make sure
you have your ticket number when you call.

If you don't get an email response within an hour - resend the message.
The response is automated and unless there are equipment or network
problems you should have response in less than five minutes.

This reduces the number of exchanges you need to go through with them
and so reduces the time you have spend on the problem - which for busy
people is an important consideration.
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