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Re: (ASCEND) SNMP Monitoring/MRTG solution


On Wed, Mar 25, 1998 at 02:29:56PM +0000, Adam Neat wrote:
> Ive just realised that if you have clients who are MP'ing their B channels on 
> say an ISDN, that it only seems to calculate the one port (I assume its the 
> first one).
> I have heard that 6.x has a new OID for MPP calls so another hack could fix it 
> up - we havent installed 6.x here yet - Id prefer to wait till I know there 
> arent any bugs.
> But, FWIW, here is the script - works great for 64K calls! :-)
> nb: THIS IS DIRTY HACK programming - but it works!
> #!/bin/bash
> ifa=`snmpwalk $maxipa public ip.ipRoutingTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteIfIndex | 
> grep <ip_addr_of_rmtgateway> | awk '{print $3}'` 
> rm /usr/local/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
> mrtgcfg=/usr/local/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
> echo "WorkDir: /home/httpd/staff/test/mrtg" >$mrtgcfg
> echo "Target[r1]: $ifa:public@$maxipa" >>$mrtgcfg
> echo "MaxBytes[r1]: 128000" >>$mrtgcfg
> echo "Title[r1]: Traffic Analysis" >>$mrtgcfg
> echo "PageTop[r1]: <H1>IF A</H1> ">>$mrtgcfg
> mrtg mrtg.cfg

The wheel is often invented repeatedly - even with the communicative help
of the Internet ;->

The above solution has been discussed several times on this list. If you
are interested in my solution, look here:

It uses the session and call MIBs, can collect MPP calls and can replace
lines that are down with ifIndex 0 (to have something to show which
never makes any traffic). The drawback of my hack is that it requires
Scotty to run (and correctly installed Ascend MIBs for Scotty) which
may prevent people from using it (installing all the required stuff is
typically painful [Tcl, Tk, Scotty, MIBs] if you are not on one of this
nice free Unices where you just install half a dozen packages and it
magically appears [I use Debian Linux @Home and Solaris @Work and I know
the difference]). But then again, having Scotty available is getting
very interesting due to the MAXMON development released on this list
some days ago. To be silent about those guys who are already running
TkINED on top of Scotty and think Navis is a bloat.

If anyone wants to develop just another solution I see two possible

1) Make one in C. No external MIBs, no required additional libs or
   bombastic projects[1], just a small selfcontained C executable that
   does the magic (and does it effective - IMHO my solution is, modulo
   Scotty/MIB overhead, quite effective, the only way to make it more
   effective would be to switch to use callActiveTable instead of
   callStatusTable when MIB >= 3.3 is present).
   [1] I mean no runtime libs. Of course you need one SNMP API package or
       another to code the queries. I'm lazy, too ;->

2) Integrate it directly into MRTG so you can use a special syntax
   to log a profile on a Max instead of an ifIndex on a Cisco. This
   has some serious efficiency considerations though - you dont want
   to do a full sessions/call walk for every profile on the same Max.

Actually the best solution would be if an efficient implementation of
2) would just magically appear in the next MRTG release (expected RSN).

Keep the Hope,


| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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