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Re: (ASCEND) In Defense Of Ascend...

On Fri, 20 Mar 1998, Matt Holdrege wrote:

> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 16:26:13 -0800
> From: Matt Holdrege <>
> To: Brett Hawn <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: (ASCEND) In Defense Of Ascend...
> Not to mention Linux! 
	You would be surprised by the number of companies that are going
with the commercial RedHat Linux distribution rather than paying high
prices for the licenses of the other flavors... It's not just for
breakfast any more... The number of Linux machines out there being used
for servers by companies and ISPs is growing rapidly...

> There are too many Unix's for most commercial vendors
> to support. Especially those vendors who don't focus on server software. If
> we were giving away source code it would be no problem. But we spent a lot
> of valuable engineering time developing this code and we aren't going to
> give it away. And since engineering time is so valuable, we simply can't
> support every unix out there.
	I agree with you... With the different distributions of Linux that
could be a problem... But you would agree that a commercially distributed
OS would/should atleast be given some thought? I've worked for 2 different
ISPs and both of which have ordered atleast 2 DEC Alpha machines and
placed RedHat on them rather than pay the high price for a limited user
license from Digital.

	Jeremy T. Bouse
	System Administrator
	SouthNet TeleComm Services, Inc.
	770-501-3615 (pager)

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