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(ASCEND) Max TNT 2.0.0 Notes

Here are some observations on TNT release 2.0.0, these issues probably
need to be explored some more..

1. Loadlng 2.0.0 required tftping the tntrel.tar file for 2.0.0 feom a
tftp host using the shelf controller interface (since the Ethernet card
was not loaded at stage one of the two stage boot process).  This required
reconfiguring the shelf-controller ethernet port to talk via the local LAN
to the tftp server.  A warning of this should have been in the 2.0.0
upgrade instructions.

2. ISDN STAC-9 compression seemed to quit working (at least in a builtin 
connection {i.e. Non-radius} profile) as soon as 2.0.0 was loaded.  Thw
link would come up and one ping packet was returned then the link went
dead but remained connected.  Turning off compression fixed worked around
the problem.

3. The same ISDN Wan interface now shows 0 inpkts and outpkts in netstat
-in even though the link is up and is passing traffic.  perhaps this
and #2 are related.

4. Called-ID is logging the wrong phone numbers in the radius accounting
packets.  Perhaps caller ID can no longer be considered to work correctly
at all.  In my configuration, I have some lines that support called IP
(ISDN NFAS Group) and some that don't (US West Advanced DSS).  The caller
ID information from some current connections is being logged for other
users.  I don't use caller ID for authentication, and I would recommend
that it NOT be trusted - but check your logs.

5. Revision 2.0.0 IS affected by the recent "Ascend Killer" exploit, so
don't think that you are immune if you install 2.0.0, your not.. Get a
filter in place asap.

More as I have it..

					Mike Jackson

P.S. Can anyone confirm #4?


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