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Re: (ASCEND) Configuring Your filter(Revised)(PipeX)

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 wrote:

> I tried this on one of my 4000s and it does NOT work.
> This filter and the others that I have tried prevent the attack from
> passing THROUGH the MAX, but it does not protect the MAX itself. 

I'm noticing that the Ascend unit is less suceptible to attacks coming
through its WAN port than through the ethernet port.  Through ie0, it

hopefully someone will come up with another possibility...

> > 	I just implimented it on one of our MAX 4048's (The same one the
> > exploit rebooted when I tested it) and then tried the exploit against it
> > and the MAX did not reboot... so this appears to be a viable fix until
> > Ascend can do better and come up with a solution...

  /  o     Jason Buchanan
 o         Digistar Microsystems

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