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Re: (ASCEND) Pipeline "support"

What problems are you having with the pipeline? Maybe we can help you with
your problem.  be very detailed on what you are trying to accomplish.
Ascend Pipeline is what I recommend to my users, and I have no problem
with them.  again drop me a line and I will do my best to help you.

On Sat, 14 Mar 1998, Chris A. Epler wrote:

> Is anyone else utterly APPALLED at the "SUPPORT" for Pipeline products?  We
> have been having a problem getting a Pipeline 50 to sync up with the switch
> of a CLEC here in Charlottesville (I honestly don't have much faith in their
> abilities at this point, but this is another story...) and thought it might
> be good to get the switch guys talking with the vendor tech guys...
> So I decided to give it a shot...called the 800 # and followed the menus for
> installation assistance.  I was told that the turnaround was >>>2<<< (TWO)
> DAYS....not 2 hrs, not 24 hrs...but 48 hrs...this is utterly USELESS.  I was
> given the option to call a 1-900 number.  We are currently a reseller of
> Pipelines but I honestly don't think I will be recommending them to any
> people who might need ANY kind of tech support.  This level of "service" is
> unacceptable and reeks of Microsoft.  I'm utterly disgusted at this point.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chris A. Epler - KC6ZOL - ESInet System Admin - (804) 974-7308
> Do not send Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE), legal action may be taken.
> PGP KeyID: 1024/6BBCAFE5 1997/04/14 Chris A. Epler <>
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