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Re: (ASCEND) Maximum # of Connection Profiles?

At 04:34 PM 3/12/98 +1300, Andrew Cutler wrote:
>True, but at least you could set up pools to assign.

But you can't specify separate, SPECIFIC, pools for each Password profile.
You can only allow ONE specific pool for ALL Password profile users, OR ALL
pools to be used for ALL Password profile users.

If you could assign static subnets out of password profiles (the way you
can in Connection profiles), then the Template Connection # could begin to
actually be useful, and more Connection profiles might not even be needed.
We're getting by with the 31 but it sure would be nice to either have 46 (I
meant _15_ more in my earlier post), OR be able to assign static subnets
out of Password profiles, or preferably both of course.

Then, you could just setup several Template Connection profiles for the
various types of Dedicated clients you have, and use the Password profiles
for credentials and to assign their specific subnets; the things that
ALWAYS are unique to EVERY client.  Beside significantly increasing the
number of Statically Assigned IP clients you could support, it would also
greatly simplify their setup.

The remaining Connection profiles probably would suffice for the clients
who need additional custom Connection profile configuration.

At least all of this would be extremely helpful for us, and I have a hunch
it would help many other Ascend customers as well.  The only reason (IMHO)
that RADIUS is needed, is because the MAX can't do either of these two
things.  For us and our Dedicated Access clients, we're happy to just put
different clients on different boxes; we don't even care about stacking,
etc.  Of course the Dialup On Demand hunt group is entirely different, but
that doesn't relate to assigning static subnets.

Of course the experimenting I've done with Template Connection profiles so
far hasn't gone very well; the Connection profile always requires that damn
password.  How do you setup a password in a Connection profile if you ONLY
want to use that Connection profile as a Template?  Unless the Template
will work with a Connection profile set Active=No... I haven't tried that
yet.  Maybe Active= needs another setting of "Template"; the parameters
that wouldn't apply to Templates could then just go away.


>Joseph Bridgewater wrote:
>> You can't assign separate Static subnets out of password profiles.  (IMHO)
>> They would be MUCH more useful if you could.
>> At 01:45 PM 3/12/98 +1300, Andrew Cutler wrote:
>> >I haven't used it but couldn't you use Ethernet | Connections as a
>> template if
>> >the connection types are similar and then
>> >Ethernet | Names/Passwords to let a lot more people login?
>> >
>> >Cheers
>> >
>> >
>> >Kevin A. Smith wrote:
>> >
>> >> At 04:26 PM 3/11/98 -0600, Bryant Ho wrote:
>> >> >What is the maximum number of connection profiles supported on a Max
>> >> >4002/4?  Under the Ethernet | Connections menu there are entries for
up to
>> >> >31 profiles, but I was wondering if there was a software hash code
>> >> >available to enable more profiles.
>> >>
>> >> No 31 is the limit in NVRAM.
>> >>
>> >> >I'm creating nailed DS0 connection
>> >> >profiles on Max 4002/4's and it'd be great if I could have more than 31
>> >> >per box.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Kevin
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