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Re: (ASCEND) RADIUS: Changes between primary and secondary and vice-versa.

Joao Mendes Moreira wrote:
]	I would like to know what is the MAX critiria to choose between the
]primary and secondary radius server. I have configured the MAX to change
]to the secondary after 10 sec. timeout. This is fine and works well. The
]first accounting packet that comes to the secondary as a Acct-Delay-Time
]= 10. What I don't understand is why, after that, the authentication is
]done in the primary radius server and the accounting in the
]secondary(with Acct-Delay-Time = 0). The output of diag "radstats" is
]this one:

Acct-Delay-Time is the amount of time that it took the Max to
successfully send the accounting record to the accounting server.
Accounting records can be queued while waiting for acknowledgements
from the accounting server....this attribute indicates how long
a particular record sat in the queue on the Max.

The authentication server behavior is independent from the
accounting server behavior.  In other words, the Max will not
switch to the secondary acct server just because it switched
to the secondary auth server.  

At least that has been my experience with 4048's....

Joe Pautler, E.I.T.                             University at Buffalo
CIT/OSS Network Engineering                     224 Computing Center             (716) 645-3536

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