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Re: (ASCEND) P130's won't come back to life

No you are not missing anything, it is a "feature", i.e. a bug,  in the

I had this same problem occur on 2 of my Max2000's on every version 5.0A and
before.  I also have 5 Pipe130's on frame relay but they don't exihibit this
behaviour (2 on 4.6C and 3 on 5.1Ap9).  Upgrading to 5.0Ap27 on my Maxen
fixed this.  However, before upgrading, the only thing I could do to restore
the frame circuit (other than a power cycle)  was to "bounce the CSU" by
going into "serial port T1-CSU" -> Mod Config -> Number of DS0 channels = 0,
then exit and save, then go back in and set the Number of DS0 channels=x (x
being whatever it was, in my case =4   b/c 256k = 4 channels).  After that
the WAN stats should reset to Rx Pkt=0 Tx Pkt=0 CRC=0 and start
incrementing.  1 Rx packet for every 1 Tx packet.  At about 7 or 8 packets
your frame sessions should come up.  They say it only takes 5 packets to
synch LMI but mine always take a little longer.  I suffered with this
problem for a year and a half and just recently got relief in version

Hope this helps...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Rust <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 11:44 AM
Subject: (ASCEND) P130's won't come back to life

>Seems like about 1/2 of the time - maybe more - if a frame relay circuit
>goes down for whatever reason, when it comes back to life the Ascend
>P130's can't get synced back up. I have to power cycle it to come back to
>life. Am I missing something somewhere, or are they really this braindead?


Alex Simpson
Director of Technical Services
NetSolutions Corp (z- for obvious reasons, you may remove it to send email)

Airport Executive Plaza
1321 Murfreesboro Rd
Suite 721
Nashville, TN  37217

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