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(ASCEND) SNMP query to mdmMIB objects

I have a MAX4000 with release 6.0.0. I'm trying to use SNMP to query the
They are a subset of .mdmMIB. objects in RFC1696 SNMP v.2.
These objects are identified by:
OID:: .    or

I have trouble with the objects:
a) .mdmStatsRingNoAnswers. (.1., descr.: "The number of events in which ringing
was detected but the
call was not answered.").
b) .mdmStatsFailedDialAttemps. (.4., descr.: "The number of call attempts that
failed because the modem
didn't go off hook, or there was no dialtone.").
c) .mdmStatsOutgoingFailures. (.5., descr.: "The number of outgoing calls from
this modem which
sucessfully went off hook and dialed, in which it could not train with the
other DCE.").
d) .mdmStatsOutgoingCompletions. (.6., descr.: "The number of outgoing calls
from this modem which resulted in successfully training with the other DCE.").
...they always return zero for all ports.

In particular the objects c) and d) return zero, even if the analogous objects
into MIB Ascend - like .eventTotalCallOriginated. (OID::
., .callTotalAnalogOutgoing. (OID::
. - return correct value in agreement with  tests.

Test a): I tried to query .mdmStatsRingNoAnswers. Before I have disabled all
modems into the MAX 4000 with release 6.0.0, then I have called it.
Also in this case, the query returns zero value for all ports.
I also checked the object .eventTotalNoModems. (OID::  .,
description: "The total number of unaccepted calls because of the
unavailability of modems, since system startup.") and the query to this object
returned correct value in agreement with test.

Are variables ( a), b), c), d)) not supported from Agent SNMP into the MAX or
did I forget anything ??

Thanks for any help

    Massimo Selmi

  BUCT-BM  (Public Switching Business Unit)
  Via Reiss Romoli - C13
  20019 Castelletto di Settimo Milanese
  Phone:    +39 2 4388.9203
  Fax:      +39 2 4388.8405

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