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(ASCEND) EARLY: Some Quirks in fek.m40 6.0.0


we finally did it - upgraded our Max4k (E1) that was stuck on p13
to 6.0.0. So far most things are operative. But some observations:

1) SNMP ip.ipForwDatagrams

ipForwDatagrams.0 : 0

Thats broken, isn't it ? Not that it would be a killer, but it should
be fixed, basic SNMP stuff ;)

2) Stac-9

We have a customer with an Intel router. That one supports Stac as of
RFC 1974. On 5.0Ap13 it worked with Stac-Draft-9. After the upgrade
to 6.0.0 the setup is unable to transport packets larger than 112 bytes
(likely because smaller ones are send verbatim). We reverted to
Link-Comp-None, but seek for a solution.

3) RIPv2 Mcast missing on Mx2k

The Option "RIPv2 Use Multicast" is missing on a Mx2k on ek.m20 6.0.0.
Not only that it is missing, it also doesn't seem to receive any RIPv2
announces, whether multicasted or not. This _is_ a problem, currently
fixed with a static route on the 2k.

4) Multicast Support missing on Mx2k

This is still not fixed, the Multicast Menu and Support are missing
from the Mx2k (I don't have a 6.0.0 Mx1800 to see there but I assume it's
missing there as well).

5) Syslog readability

The feature of displaying [MBID xxx; Number1->Number2] is nice, but
I don't see any sense in the "->". In case of an incoming call it
looks correct and one would assume it means CallingPty#->CalledPty#.
However, in case of an outgoing call it reads CalledPty#->CallingPty#.
Any reason for this ?

6) K56 A-Law vs. u-Law

The quirk with K56 Modems beeing initialized to u-Law even when the
box is set to A-Law is still not fixed. But it is in the release
notes IIRC and thus approved and will probably be fixed soon. The
workaround with an explicit init string on the client that use the
dialout capability is available and works.

Besides from the above quirks which are mostly minor ones or at least
well known (the Multicast Support on the 2k and 1800 are missing since
months and nobody seems to care) 6.0.0 finally seems to be the long
expected "stable load" we are heading out for since we were stuck on
5.0Ap13 in Summer '97. Good work, Ascend.



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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