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Re: (ASCEND) Lost Pipeline Route?

On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, Oliver J. Albrecht wrote:

> In article <> you wrote:
> >I have a dedicated customer connecting via a Pipeline (b2.p75 5.1A) and
> >for some reason, occasionally his NT server and my mailserver don't talk.
> >Now, resetting his pipeline and then toggling his static route on and off
> >on my Max 4002 (tim.m40 5.0Ap51) it works again.
> >Then, for whatever reason, after awhile he can't pick up e-mail.  When
> >this happens, it also begins to take nearly forever for him to load
> >webpages (and for me to load the webpage off his NT server -- it hangs for
> [...]
> Is your customer by any chance using NAT on the pipeline? If so, he 
> might want to upgrade to 6.0.9/6.0.10, which fixes a nasty problem with 
> NAT which (IMHO) produces the exact result you are seeing. 

Nope, he's got fixed IPs for all his boxen.

- J-Mag Guthrie

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