I found the talk given by... Linus Torvalds's boss in a Portland TED talk to
be quite convincing that the open source movement is good for society, much
better than the alternative closed-source model, and the present and the

There is room for closed source, but not at the OS level today, and probably
not at the productivity or enterprise software level either.

One more thought. I have mixed feelings about technology today. We used to
be "the hacker of the neighbourhood" back in the 80s. It got us to use new
technologies and to respect them at the same time. The second is the key
statement. Alongside preaching uses of certain technologies, please embed
the idea of respect. And by respect I mean people should experiment with
technologies, use them, exploit them to get ahead, but at the same time we
need to be able to live without it, and deal with not having it available
at times.