On Fri, 4 Sep 2015, T L wrote:

> Assuming that you have NOTHING on the drive that you care about, I would 
> remove the factory partitioning and create a new GPT table with parted.

Right.  It's just a new drive - Seagate Backup+ 5 TB (Costco $140).[1]

I think parted is pretty easy to use, once you know what to do.  I guess I 
need to use parted -l to find the /dev/sd letter (I'll use /dev/sdx here), 
then something like this will create the ext4 partition:

sudo parted /dev/sdx mklabel gpt
sudo parted /dev/sdx mkpart primary ext4 0 5TiB

I think it then needs to be formatted.  Would this command do it?

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx1


[1] Those prices keep coming down.  I can still remember my first hard 
drive -- a 20 MB MFA drive formatted to 30 MB with an RLL controller. 
Only $400.  So in 1987 the price of storage was 714,285 times per byte 
what I'm paying today.
