I love my USI.


1Gbps up and down
8 statics.


> On Oct 27, 2015, at 9:12 PM, Clug <tclug at freakzilla.com> wrote:
> People probably won't like this, but I've got Comcast Business Class back from when I was working for a place that paid for our internet access. I have a block of static IP addresses, too, and can run whatever servers I want. It's been pretty damn solid, and when/if it DOES go down, business class means you get the tech support who actually know what they're doing. They also have much faster SLAs.
> On Tue, 27 Oct 2015, Scott Raun wrote:
>> My home ISP has been VISI/OneNeck for some time now.
>> As of the end of the year, they're getting out of the home DSL
>> business.  I really wish they'd given me another year - I might have
>> been able to get USI Fiber next summer.  :(
>> So, I'm in need of a new ISP.  I'd like to stay with DSL - it's been
>> rock-solid for me for years.  I strongly want a static IP address.
>> Any recommendations?
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