I actually appreciate this advice. As a slow learner I'm having a blast programming a standard terminal interface to interact with the Arduino Uno. I looked at other terminal programs like "picocom" and "cutecom" (which is cute) besides the over-rated minicom. Started a terminal program with FreePascal, but find tcl/tk and iWidgets and expect are perfect. I use opensuse and iceWM with Nedit. The Arduino Uno is exactly a slave terminal from the olden days, with a Linux PC / USB connection better than a supercomputer. The Raspberry Pi is over my head or out of my league. This is an interesting and impressive evolution in hardware. But why gunk it up with software before you know anything about it? DOS was fun, too. I'm not a minimalist Linux user, but I don't like fat operating systems either. So I appreciate suggestions beyond opensuse (which I've been very happy with since SuSE 6.1). The one time I tried using Ubuntu, showing some engineer kids Linux, it really disappointed me as a Windows wannabe. It blew my chance to show some good kids what Linux was. Jason Hsu wrote: > It sounds great except for the inclusion of Ubuntu. This is a double-whammy. First, there is the user-unfriendly Unity interface. Second, I'm not sure 1 GB of memory is enough for Ubuntu, as it's now as heavy as Windows 7 or Windows Vista. Debian with 256 MB of memory (the Raspberry Pi setup) can smoke Ubuntu with 1 GB of memory. > > If this $99 supercomputer came with something lighter, it would be a sure winner. Linux Mint Debian Edition, Snowlinux 4 Glacier, antiX Linux, and Puppy Linux prove that a polished user-friendly interface doesn't require the bloat of Ubuntu. > > On Fri, 7 Jun 2013 23:06:09 -0500 (CDT) > Mike Miller<mbmiller+l at gmail.com> wrote: > >> What do you think of this?... >> >> >> http://www.geek.com/chips/a-99-linux-supercomputer-has-been-built-will-ship-this-summer-1552343/ >>