On Wed, 25 Apr 2012 03:15:03 -0500 (CDT)
Mike Miller <mbmiller+l at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wonder why Unity is a big issue -- can't we install whatever we want and 
> us it?  For example, KDE or Gnome - just choose one at login?  I used to 
> do that in Solaris about 12 years ago and it wasn't too big of a deal. 
> Isn't it easy to do that with Ubuntu, too?
Yes, you can install a different desktop, but it's much more convenient to have your preferred desktop setup pre-installed.

It's one thing if a distro isn't user-friendly out-of-the-box but is fast and lightweight.  (Think of minimal Debian.)  It's one thing if a distro is heavyweight but is user-friendly out-of-the-box. (Think of the Ubuntu-based editions of Linux Mint.) Ubuntu is the worst of both worlds.  Its default setup isn't user-friendly, and it's the Hummer of Linux distros.  For most of its history, Ubuntu could brag about being substantially lighter than the current Windows OS.  Ubuntu has now caught up with Windows in the bloatware department and can no longer make this claim.

Jason Hsu, Linux literate software development engineer
Founder and lead developer of Swift Linux (http://www.swiftlinux.org)
Founder and lead developer of Doppler Value Investing (http://www.dopplervalueinvesting.com)