Hey Rob,

I'd be glad to tell you my work routine.
I do use *tmux* at home where I have X running on my desktop.
I use it at home out of force of habit, mostly. I, personally, don't have
any qualms with having a tabs open in a xterm or anything like that.

However, when I am at my office I am working on headless servers via *ssh*.
I use *tmux *there because I can't really have multiple *Putty* instances
open to the same server; Well, I *can*, but I don't like to.
So, I just *ssh* in the server,  fire-up *tmux, *and start working as I
would normally in a shell.
Another thing I* *think is great about *tmux,* If I lose my *ssh *connection
to the server, I don't lose my session(s)/data/work.
I just *ssh *back in and re-attach my *tmux* session and I'm back to work.

-> Jake

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Robert Nesius <nesius at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've always viewed screen as something handy when your console/terminal is
> an old-school wyse terminal.  But you guys seem to be using screen/tmux in
> the course of every-day work.  In a modern desktop environment with a
> window manager, is screen/tmux really better than, say, multiple
> xterms/konsoles/etc...?  I guess I can see the advantage of having one big
> terminal window open and saving the overhead of window-widgets... but I
> often am working in several windows at once and referencing
> information/data in each.
> In short, I'm not seeing the value but I think it's because my
> understanding of the capabilities of the tool and your workflows is
> incomplete.  Would one or some of you be willing to describe your workflow
> to better illustrate why screen/tmux are so essential to you?
> Thanks,
> -Rob
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