Setting  /home/myaccount/webdev/site1  as the DocumentRoot would be the
path of lease resistance.

Else, aliasing /site1/ to  /home/myaccount/webdev/site1 would be another


On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Olwe Bottorff <galanolwe at> wrote:

> I followed the directions here (
> to set up my
> LAMP to go directly to my /home/myaccount/webdev web sites. For example,
> from my browser I type in this address: http://site1 and it goes to
> /home/myaccount/webdev/site1 and grabs the index.html file. This saves me
> the work of putting everything in /var/www/ for Apache to serve it. Good.
> All is working.
> So I try to access site1 on another computer on my home network (home
> Wifi) and I'm able to get to the Apache "It Works!" file in /var/www/ with
> this address: which is the address of the host
> machine, but when I try it cannot find it (Not
> found). Any ideas how I can help my other home machines see my home
> directory web sites?
> Olwe
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