On 2011.03.21 10:16 PM, Mike Miller wrote:
> I agree that Cygwin is a great system for Windows.  I'm not sure of what 
> the minimal installation is because I usually install pretty much all of 
> it.
I found Cygwin annoying since /everything/ depends on the base library.
MinGW/MSYS is basically the same thing, except without that dependence.

Anyway, I'm learning Python, and while it would be horrendous to do
basic CLI things with the interpreter, I think I'll be able to do some
really neat things that I couldn't do with bash in my scripts. I'll
stick with bash for interactive use, but Python looks extremely useful
for scripting.

I decided to take a crack at PowerShell as well in order to poke around
the internals of Windows. The Windows NT backend is extremely flexible,
but there's a lack of good GUI tools to take advantage. And of course,
there are times when a CLI is million times more efficient anyway.