On Tue, 8 Mar 2011, Josh Paetzel wrote:

> Linux is free if your time is worth nothing. ;)
> But seriously, there is a grain of truth to that.  Especially on the 
> desktop.

I remember a friend telling me that his friend had a lot of experience and 
could install Slackware in only about 8 hours, but that was about 17 years 
ago.  I have installed Ubuntu on a bunch of machines in the past couple of 
years and it usually took about 5 minutes of my time to get it working 
quite nicely.  After that, to get loads of software installed is another 
five minutes of my time.  I've also installed Windows XP a few times in 
the past several years and the Windows installation took about the same 
amount of my time as Ubuntu.

So I'm thinking of the quote as very true under some conditions, 
especially the conditions of 1994, but it is much less true under most 
conditions of today.
