You, my friend, are going out of your way to be offended. That is NOT 
where the *slack* came from. Retrtoactively someone decided that would be 
funny - much like the whole Church of the SubGenius is, by the way - it's 

I wonder which distribution you DO use, beucase I'm pretty sure all of 
them have flimsy links like that to SOMEthing that would 'offend' 
'Christians'. We already know you can't use Slackware (even though there's 
an actual Christian oriented version). You can't use Red Hat since red is 
the colour of Satan. Can't use Debian since that sounds like Demian which 
we all know is the name of Satan's son in The Omen. Can't use Ubuntu since 
that's a word in an African language, and Africa is not a good place for 
Christians (heck, even the actual Christians there are coptic, and that 
doesn't really count, right?). Can't use Arch Linux since that's a 
reference to the Archangels and that's blasphemy.

In fact, what are you doing in the TWIN CITIES Linux User's Group? Were 
not Sodom and Gamora twin cities??? SURELY THIS IS A REFERENCE TO THAT!!!

On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, Drmgiver wrote:

> Again:
> This is where the name *Slack*ware came from.  That is why you will see
> "Bob" when in reference to Slackware.  That is why someone on this very
> group mentioned "Bob".  Again, it is an insult on Christianity.
> Justin
> On 01/19/2011 12:59 PM, Yaron wrote:
>> 1) Saying "Oooh look at the HEATHEN DISTRIBUTION" is trolling.
>> 2) I seem to recall the whole "background" for the whole "Slack" thing was
>>      it was supposed to be a side project and they didn't want anyone to
>>      expect too much from it, so they named it "slackware". I don't see how
>>      that is an insult to Chrsitanity, or anyone else for that matter.
>> 3) I can't even seem to get Google to dredge up any way that slackware is
>>      offensive to Christians. The closest thing I have found is that, in
>>      fact, someone has made a Christian-oriented distribution BASED ON
>>      SLACKWARE, named "Slack4Christians".
>> 4) Just in case you missed point 3 right above, people have used SLACKWARE
>>      as the basis for a Christian-oriented distribution. And they didn't
>>      bother taking the "slack" out of the name.
>> 5) You should stop trolling now.
>> On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, Drmgiver wrote:
>>> How is explaining why I won't be using that distro trolling?  Do you not
>>> know the background of the whole "slack" thing?  It is an insult on
>>> Christianity.
>>> Justin
>>> On 01/19/2011 11:25 AM, Yaron wrote:
>>>> Wow... telling people not to troll and act like adults in one sentance and
>>>> then trolling and acting like a non-adult in the next! You win!
>>>> On Wed, 19 Jan 2011, Drmgiver wrote:
>>>>> Ok seriously, can we get over the troll shit and act like adults?  I
>>>>> have a right to my opinion sorry.  The whole "slack" thing insults my
>>>>> faith.  I won't be using that distro or any distro based on it.  Get
>>>>> over it.
>>>>> Justin
>>>>> On 01/19/2011 09:55 AM, Mr. B-o-B wrote:
>>>>>> Drmgiver cried from the depths of the abyss...
>>>>>>> Most distros include it in repos to my knowledge.  As for Slackware, I
>>>>>>> know it is just me being me, but I refuse to use it based on how it got
>>>>>>> it's name.
>>>>>> That is a shame.  I have the same feeling about Ubuntu (which is an
>>>>>> African word for not smart enough to use Slackware).  I have installed
>>>>>> Ubuntu for my Mom, and a handful of others that are challenged.  It's a
>>>>>> nice n00b distro.  Once you grow some teeth, or need to put a server into
>>>>>> production you might find the hand holding fisher price aspect of Ubuntu
>>>>>> a turn off.  This of course my is just my opinion.
>>>>>> You should give it a try.  It's lovely!
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>>>> -Yaron
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