There is a server edition of Ubuntu (I am running it myself on a
personal server) and it works well. It does not run X. For me the
software management systems available is really about the only real
significant factor for me for servers. How difficult is it to upgrade
and stay current? What software is available in the repo for easy use?
Most distros pretty much have no difficulty in compiling and running
code otherwise that you download the source for.

Many of the big differences between distros do not apply in this case.
Where are the various config files located?
What are the defaults for various apps? Logging, chroot, etc.

That kind of stuff is generally not so egregiously different from one
distro to another it does not matter. Gentoo has pretty bash colors by
default. Since I am currently not using Gentoo anymore but liked their
colors I snagged a Gentoo bash $PS1 variable and use it on ubuntu now.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mr. B-o-B <mr.chew.baka at>
Reply-to: TCLUG Mailing List <tclug-list at>
To: TCLUG Mailing List <tclug-list at>
Subject: Re: [tclug-list] Window Maker distro
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 09:55:27 -0600 (CST)
Mailer: Alpine 2.00 (LNX 1167 2008-08-23)

Drmgiver cried from the depths of the abyss...

> Most distros include it in repos to my knowledge.  As for Slackware, I
> know it is just me being me, but I refuse to use it based on how it got
> it's name.

That is a shame.  I have the same feeling about Ubuntu (which is an 
African word for not smart enough to use Slackware).  I have installed 
Ubuntu for my Mom, and a handful of others that are challenged.  It's a 
nice n00b distro.  Once you grow some teeth, or need to put a server into 
production you might find the hand holding fisher price aspect of Ubuntu 
a turn off.  This of course my is just my opinion.

You should give it a try.  It's lovely!

TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
tclug-list at
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